I'm a journalist covering Brazilian affairs for international media outlets such as the New York Times, and I serve as an editor for Dialogue Earth, focusing on foreign policy and environmental issues.

With 17 years of experience, I've tackled roles as a reporter, photographer and editor, contributing to various publications, including  The Guardian, TIME magazine, BBC Brazil and National Geographic. I've also earned a master's degree in Financial Journalism from Aarhus University in Denmark and City University London in the UK.

My reporting spans breaking news and dives into stories from Brazil that often go unnoticed, particularly those at the intersection of politics, economics, and the environment. I seek to empower people and communities, bringing their stories to an international audience and bridging the gap between local nuances and global understanding.

Based in Rio de Janeiro, I find that yoga or a quick swim in the sea is the perfect remedy for staying balanced.

People from the Cerrado traditional community of Ponte de Mateus, Northeastern Brazil, describe the impacts of soybean monoculture in the region (Image: Alicia Prager, 2018)

Sou jornalista e cubro principalmente assuntos do Brasil para veículos estrangeiros, como New York Times e Guardian. Também edito o site de meio ambiente e política externa Dialogue Earth.

Em 15 anos de experiência, trabalhei como repórter, fotógrafa e editora e publiquei em veículos como O Globo, BBC Brasil, revista TIME e National Geographic. Tenho mestrado em jornalismo financeiro pela Universidade de Aarhus (Dinamarca) e City University London (Reino Unido).

Cubro notícias factuais e estou sempre à procura de narrativas pouco exploradas no Brasil, especialmente aquelas na interseção entre política, economia e meio ambiente. Busco empoderar indivíduos e comunidades a contar suas histórias e destrinchar as complexidades do país para audiências daqui e de fora.

Vivo no Rio de Janeiro e acredito que ioga e mergulho no mar são remédio para quase tudo.

"Flávia is an intelligent, thorough and dedicated professional who is adept at reporting, editing and management. She has played a crucial role in the growth of our startup; is not at all phased by challenging conditions and is always more than willing to take on whatever tasks the situation requires. She is also highly conscientious and is very much a professional who can be relied upon."

Matt Sandy, the founder of Wide Avenues

"Flávia is probably the best reporter I worked with. She has a rare sense of the news and knows how to go for it, hearing different sources, reaching numbers, and data. Besides all that, she knows how to write for the internet, and also how to build a long  form article. I would say she's ready for any job that comes along."

Viviane Nogueira, an editor at O Globo

Prêmios I Awards

2020: Deadline Club Award│ Finalista na categoria ambiental │ Finalist of the environmental category (contributed reporting) TIME 

2018: Hostwriter Prize │ Finalista do prêmio de reportagem │ Story Prize Shortlist Mongabay News.

2017: Prêmio Inep de Jornalismo │ Segundo lugar na categoria Estatísticas Educacionais │Second place in the Educational Statistics category │Projeto Colabora

2015: Prêmio MPT de Jornalismo │Vencedora da categoria Impresso Nacional │ Winner of the National Print category │ O Globo.

2015: Excellence in Journalism Award from the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) │ Finalista na categoria Direitos Humanos │ Finalist in the Human Rights category │ O Globo.

2015: Prêmio de Jornalismo da Massey Ferguson │ Terceiro lugar geral │ Third place overall │ O Globo.

2015: Prêmio Longevidade de Jornalismo │ Reportagem pré-selecionada │ Report preselected │ O Globo.

2013: Prêmio Esso │ Finalista na categoria Divulgação Científica e Ambiental │ Finalist in the Science and Environment category │ O Globo

2013: Prêmio de Jornalistas e Cia/HSBC de Sustentabilidade │ Grupo vencedor da categoria regional Sudeste │ Group winner of the Southeast regional category │ O Globo.  

2013: Prêmio Allianz de Sustentabilidade │ Finalista geral │  Overall finalist │ O Globo

2011: Prêmio Abrelpe de Reportagem │ Grupo vencedor na categoria Impresso │ Group winner of the Print Press category │ O Globo-Niterói